Quality Assurance for the AARMENA Program
Control and monitoring will be done according to the following control conditions:
1. Working Package Quality Control:
One of the working projects is "Project Quality and Evaluation." This WP aims to ensure that adequate tools are in place to evaluate and monitor the project progress and the quality of deliverables. It describes the procedures to follow-up the progress of the project's various WPs and their associated activities and outputs. one of the partner countries will be the leader of this WP is in charge of conducting continuous monitoring of the project, in coordination with the project leaders, but is supported by all partners (in the form of feedbacks, different reports, etc.
2. The quality plan will follow the following aspects:
To explain the progress of the project, and what are the expected results of the project?
To carry out activities that can ensure that the project is carried out following the project action plan and LFM to achieve the expected outputs / outcomes.
There will be a project quality assurance team from leaders of the working packages of each partner country and program country.
1. Quality Standard Methods:
Quality of the project implementation is par to the standards, which means that the achievement of the objectives is very important, and the consortium must exert efforts and take decisions to ensure their achievements. These decisions can be postponed a deadline or changing some aspects of an activity.
This project supports the modernization, internet communication technologies aspects in reconciliation studies, and research quality of HEIs in the MENA. More specifically, it contributes to strengthening the role of HEIs in political decisions and policy-making processes through the development of HEIs' research capacities and potential in fields related to reconciliation studies and researching the reconciliation process in the middle of conflicts.
Investigating the activities for strengthening strategic partnerships and networking with leading conflict resolution and reconciliation centers in the HEI and the partner universities. researchign wehther the projects promoted interdisciplinary research related in reconciliation studies (eg conflict, political science, law, information technologies and internet communication technologies for reconciliation studies). The quality assurance will investigate the development of researchers' skills and capabilities in reconciliation studies.
2. Quality of the project deliverables-outcomes and outputs:
The project deliverables can be classified into tangible deliverables such as reports, publications, manuals, methodology, plans, printed and electronically available promotional material, and intangible deliverables in the form of organized events (training, conference, seminar, info days, etc.) .
- The quality expectation will focus:
- Quality of document-based deliverables
- Quality of promotional materials
- Quality of the project events
- Quality of websites
- Quality of document-based deliverables:
Project documents should be consistent in terms of appearance and style to reflect the project identity. Therefore, all project documents of the same type should have a consistent structure. All partners must use the templates of the project and the procedures for document reviews.
Quality of the project eventsPreparation for events should be done in advance with a suitable period that may range from several weeks for workshops and meetings to months for the symposium.
All information related to the event should be prepared and agreed on between the project consortium-related partners beforehand. Information includes presentations, a list of invitees, invitation, event schedule, evaluation forms, logistical information.
- All presentations or training materials should follow the project template for PowerPoint documents including the logo of the project and the logo of Erasmus Plus
- Digital photos for the event in addition to the registration of the attendees.
- Project posters, roll-ups, and other promotional materials shall be displayed during the event.
- Each event will be documented by various materials as described in the table below.
- Recording the minutes of the event online and uploading all documents for dissemination purposes.
- Feedback from the participants has to be collected to assess the quality of the event organizers and the event benefits (in case of training).
- Produce an event report.
- The laws and regulations must prepare press releases about the event.
4. Quality of promotional materials
- The project promotional materials will reflect the visual identity of the project and the Erasmus + program. The project coordinator (FSU) is responsible for the design of all promotional material. The draft version will be sent to all partners for comments and suggestions before printing, publishing, and distribution. All project partners will disseminate the materials at events relevant to reach the project's target groups.
- Promotional materials include project brochures, roll-ups, posters, and flyers.
5. Quality of the project websites and online platform
- Online environment: the project website and online platform will present updated information about the project, partners, activities, and results, allowing everyone to access information related to the project. In addition, social media will facilitate interactions with the main beneficiaries.
- All intellectual outputs of the project will be available to the public during and after the project. All tools will be implemented with high performance, good functionality, and stability, emphasizing the maximum reach and awareness of the target audience.
6. Quality of Project Management
The main aim of the project management quality is to put a structure in place to monitor and promote quality actively. This tool provides a framework for assessing the quality management for identified work package related to time and a budget plan that need development
Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)
- dr Phil. Iyad Muhsen AlDajani (University of Jena).
- Ms Rawan Thaboub (University of Jena).
- Prof. Dr. Alluri, Rina Malagayo (Innsbruck University).
- Prof. Dr. Ahmad Al-Salymeh (University of Jordan).
- Prof. Dr. Ali Maqousi (Petra University).
- Prof. Dr. Nizam Salhat. Al-Istiqlal Univeristy
- Prof.Dr. Abed Al Anzy Al-Azhar University .
- Ms. Heba Al Muhaisen (Petra University).
ARMENA guidelines
AARMENA project will follow the different guidelines and regulations of the Erasmus + CBHE program. In more detail, the following documents will be the project references for its management:
- project grant agreement
- project partnership agreements
- project Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
- guidelines for the use of grants
- project budget and task assignment
- Internal monitoring
Internal guidelines
- Internal quality monitoring will be carried out throughout the project and involve all project team members. Project monitoring will be carried out by collecting feedback from the activities participants. The instruments measures and implementation will be based on:
- Project list of deliverables (KPIs)
- LFM and work plan
- budget
- Periodic reviews and evaluations for project packages
- Feedback and survey mechanism
Project Quality Assurance Strategy
- The quality assurance in the AARMENA project encompasses four levels of quality controlL
- (1) Deliverable authors, task and WP leaders,
- (2) deliverable reviewers,
- (3) Coordinator level.
- External monitoring and evaluation
External Monitoring & Evaluation Procedure
- National Erasmus Office Monitoring
- NEO performs three types of monitoring, based on deliverable achievement: 1- Preventive (in the first project year) 2- Advisory (after the first project year) 3- Control (after the end of the project - sustainability check). Based on the project progress, the NEO sends the report on their findings to EACEA.
- External monitoring and evaluation
- External evaluation
- The external evaluation will be performed by external experts (Formative Evaluator and Financial Auditor). The external evaluation entails reviewing the deliverables and the financial aspect of the different interventions / activities. The formative evaluator will also evaluate the quality of management, the partnership performance, and the effectiveness and the impact of dissemination activities.
- Partners' technical and financial reporting
- The partners are entitled to deliver technical and financial reports. These reports will be prepared in cooperation between the Quality Assurance Team and the External Evaluators (formative and financial). Partners will be required to fill in periodical reports (self-evaluations) to regularly monitor the progress of the project in terms of expenses incurred, carried out activities, and the outputs achieved.
- Interim Evaluation Report (first, second, third).
- Final Quality Assurance and Impact Assessment Report
- Internal monitoring
- Partners' technical and financial
- Quality assurancedocx, 141 kb · cn
- Annex 4 Attendance Sheet Templatedocx, 149 kb · cn
- Annex 5 Meeting minutesdocx, 140 kb · cn
- Annex 6 PARTICIPANTS FEEDBACK formdocx, 140 kb · cn
- Annex 7 Event report templatedocx, 136 kb · cn
- Annex 8Deliverables quality assurance checklistdocx, 131 kb · cn
- AARMENA-Quality assurance Planpdf, 364 kb · de
- Establishment of progress & self-evaluation framework (survey) university of Jordanpdf, 172 kb · de
- Establishment of progress & self-evaluation framework (survey) Petra Universitypdf, 404 kb · de
- Establishment of progress & self-evaluation framework (survey) - Al-Istiqlal Universitypdf, 447 kb · de
- Establishment of progress & self-evaluation framework (survey) Al-Azhar Universitypdf, 415 kb · de