
The Management of the Academic Alliance for Reconciliation in the Middle East and North Africa AARMENA Capacity Building Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus program of the European Union.
Image: AARMENA-2018
Image: private

Management Working Package

The project management will follow the clear structure described in the AARMENA Management and Financial Guideline.

The project coordinator will be responsible for monitoring and supervising project management and the overall working process. He will be in permanent contact with the leaders of each work package and make sure that the project's overall and each work package's work plan will be met and the project's outcomes delivered in time and of the highest quality. The leadership of each work package is distributed amongst all partners based on their specific expertise, skills, and experiences. These WPs' leaders will coordinate related work plans, monitor all activities realized by the cooperated partners, and ensure that all products will be delivered on time and of requested quality. The WP's Leaders will regularly report on the project.

Indeed, to manage the project efficiently and effectively, FSU will establish a Matrix Management Structure. This action will ensure the successful implementation of all activities and the effective collaboration of partners.

The structure consists of the management:

  • 1. The Project Manager and team members
  • 2. WP Leaders
  • 3. The Management Board
  • 4. A Steering Committee.

The SC would be charged with:

 Guidelines for the management board.

  1. Identifying the purpose of the project.
  2. Entry into force, duration, and termination of contracts and projects.
  3. Put forth the responsibilities of partners
  4. The financial provisions
  5. Following up with the procedures of the working packages
  6. Taking into account ethical considerations and access rights.
  7. Taking into consideration the liability of partners towards each other.
  8. Considering the government's liabilities to integrate the course within the proposal.
  9. Booking a non-contractual agreement with the partner countries.
  10. Developing the consortium in agreement model to be signed and accepted by all partner agreements.
  11. Developing the management board that will consist of leaders of the working packages.

The structure consists of the management:

  • 1. The Project Manager and team members
  • 2. WP Leaders
  • 3. The Management Board
  • 4.A Steering Committee.

The steering committee (SC) consists of the following members:

  1. Dr.Phil.Iyad Muhsen AlDajani from Frierdich Schiller University (Coordinator) .
  2. Dr. Laura Villanueva Friedrich Schiller University (Director of Practice).
  3. Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner from Friedrich Schiller University (Scientific Director).
  4. Prof. Dr. Alluri, Rina Malagayo Innsbruck University.
  5. Prof. Dr. Andrew Oberprantacher Innsbruck University 
  6. Prof Mohmmad Alshraideh from the University of Jordan.
  7. porf. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh from the University of Jordan.
  8. Prof. Ali Maqouis from Petra University.
  9. Prof. Dr. Nizam Salhat. Al-Istiqlal Univeristy.
  10. Dr. Belal Ghanam. Al-Istiqlal University. 
  11. Prof.Dr. Abed Al Anzy Al-Azhar University

The SC would be charged of:

  1. Guidelines for the management board.
  2. Identifying the porpouse of the project.
  3. Entry into force, duration and termination of contracts and projects.
  4. Put forth the responsibilities of partners
  5. The financial provisions
  6. Following up with the procedures of the working packages
  7. Taking into account ethical considerations and access rights.
  8. Taking into consideration the liability of partner twoards each other.
  9. Taking into consideration the governmetns laiblities to intigreate the course within the proposal.
  10. Booking a non-contractual agreement with hte partner countries.
  11. Developing the consortium in agreement model to be signed and accepted by all partner agreements.
  12. Developing the management board that will consist of leaders of the working packages.