

We are committed to develop reconciliation, conflict transformation and peace studies in the higher education institutions
Image: armenagroup

AARMENA Team Consists of the following Scientific Researcher:  

  • Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner
    Prof. Dr. martin leiner
    Prof. Dr. martin leiner
    Image: Prof. Dr. martin leiner

    Scientific Director of the AARMENA.  

    He holds a Chair in Systematic Theology / Applied Ethics at the Faculty of Theology at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. He is also the founder and director of the Jena Center for Reconciliation Study

  • Executive & Research Director: Dr. Iyad Muhsen AlDajani
    Dr. iyad aldajani
    Dr. iyad aldajani
    Image: Dr. iyad aldajani

    Executive & Research Director


    Director of the Doctoral School: Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies

    Research Director for Peace and Reconciliation Studies in the MENA region. 

    Post-Doc Research Fellow / Applied Ethics, Faculty of Theology / Department of Systematic Theology and Ethics;

    Research Interest:

    (AI Ethics in Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation and Peace Studies) in Applied Phronesis in Digital Humanities using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. 

    Dr. Al-Dajani's holds a PhD from the University of Jena in Internet communication technologies for reconciliation. He is a specialist on Applied Phronesis in internet research methodologies and his research areas are in Applied Computer Science and Digital Humanities for reconciliation and peace education.


    • Ph.D. in communication science from Univeristy of Jena. 
    • Certificate of Completion for the Executive Education Program in Cybersecurity: The Intersection of Policy and Technology Program, at John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
    • Certificate of completion for the Leading in Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Technology and Policy Program from Harvard Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Executive Education.  
    • Certificate from Oxford Artificial Intelligence Program from Saïd Business School, the University of Oxford.
    • Reference Class Forecasting practitioner certificate from the Oxford Global Projects Academy School, University of Oxford.
    • Master's in Regional and American Studies from the Al-Quds University.|
    • Certified webmaster and obtained a Master's in a web-development certificate from
    • Bacholar of Science in computer science from Alquds University. 
    • ORCID digital profile: link 
    Learn morepdf, 538 kb · de
  • Research Fellow: Prof.Dr. Ciarán Burke
    10. AARMENA Prof.Dr. Burke
    10. AARMENA Prof.Dr. Burke
    Image: 10. AARMENA Prof.Dr. Burke

    Research Fellow

    Professor Ciarán Burke is an academic, a lawyer, and a Eurocrat. Ciarán is Senior Research Fellow at the Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany. He also works at the Internal Market Affairs Directorate of the EFTA Surveillance Authority in Brussels. He is the former Director of Research at the Law Reform Commission of Ireland, and has worked for a variety of governments, international organizations and NGOs.

    Ciarán's areas of interest include various aspects of public international law, international human rights law, European Union law, comparative constitutional and private law, general principles of law, equity, Arctic regulation, migration and legal theory, as well as reconciliation studies and peace studies .

  • East Asia Cooperation Dr. Amanda tho Seeth
    Foto Amanda tho Seeth 2023
    Foto Amanda tho Seeth 2023
    Image: Foto Amanda tho Seeth 2023

    Holds a PhD in political science from Philipps-University Marburg. She has studied Islamic studies, Indonesian studies and politicals cience at the University of Hamburg and at Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif  Hidayatullah Jakarta. She has held postdoctoral positions at EHESS Paris,  Humboldt University Berlin and GIGA Hamburg. Her research focuses on the role of Islamic academia in Indonesian domestic politics and society as well asin foreign policy and science diplomacy. She is responsible for communication and exchange with Indonesian academics.

  • Director of Practice : Dr. Laura Villanueva
    Dr. Laura Villanueva
    Dr. Laura Villanueva
    Image: Dr. Laura Villanueva

    Director of Practice 

    • Director of Practice in Peace, Conflict Transformation, and Reconciliation.
    • Establish a program that integrates practice into the educational process and facilitates an AARMENA community of practice.
    • Academic advisor for exchange opportunities for students available through the AARMENA network agreements with the Ph.D. program "Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation, Peace Studies" (RPS).
    • Establish sustainable partnerships between local communities and AARMENA in advancing peace and reconciliation work and joint research.
  • Research Associate: Dr. Luis B. Pena
    Team_Dr. Luis Peña
    Team_Dr. Luis Peña
    Image: Team_Dr. Luis Peña

    Research Associate

    • Lecturer and researcher in conflict analysis, security, and peacebuilding
    • Researcher of the Study Center for the Reconciliation of the University of Jena in Germany (JCRS)
    • Fellowship researcher of the Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences (CALAS)
    • Lecturer and researcher at the University Externado of Colombia, IGAC Colombia, National University of Medellin Colombia, University of Jena, the FLACSO in Quito, Humboldt University in Berlin and the University of Leipzig in Germany
    • Founding member of the network of Critical Geography Rooted in Latin American -GEORAIZAL
  • Research Associate: Dr. Davide Tacchini
    Davide Tacchini
    Davide Tacchini
    Image: Davide Tacchini

    Research Associates

    • Research Fellow and Project Coordinator at the Friedrich Schiller University (Jena Center For Reconciliation Studies) Jena, Germany.
    • Visiting Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at the University of Parma (DUSIC Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche, Sociali e delle Imprese), Parma Italy,
    • Cultore della Materia  in Islamic Studies and The Catholic University, Milan. (Ph.D. Candidates Supervision, MA Theses reviews).
    • Radical Islam: Sayyid Qutb and the role of his thought and personal story in contemporary Islamism, Radical Muslim Views of Christianity: the Muslim View of St. Paul.
    • Islam in the West / Islam in Europe / Christian-Muslim Relations / Islamic Reformation ( Islāh, Tajdīd ) in the thought of contemporary Muslim thinkers (Tareq Oubrou, Tāriq Ramadān, 'Abdullahi Ahmad An-Na'īm, Abdolkarim Soroush, Mohammed Ābid al -Jābirī). Italian Islam and the Catholic Church.
  • Research Associate: Dr. Francesco Ferrari
    Dr. Francesco Ferrari
    Dr. Francesco Ferrari
    Image: Dr. Francesco Ferrari

    Research Associate 

    • Coordinator, Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS)
    • Coordinator, Graduate Program "Religion-Conflict-Reconciliation" (RCR)
    • Coordinator, DFG Project “Hearts of Flesh - not Stone”
    • Post-Doc Research Fellow, Chair for Systematic Theology and Ethics
  • Doctoral Program Assistant
    zinat Hassan
    zinat Hassan
    Image: zinat Hassan

    Mrs. Zinat HASSAN Ph.D. candidate

    Research Interest:

    A Political Reconciliation Process into Taif Agreement: The Case of Lebanon.



    • Zinat Ahmed Hassan holds a master's degree in Conflict Management and Humanitarian Action from the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies.
    • Administrative Program Coordinator for three master's programs at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies.
    • Research Assistant in the Islam and Global Affairs Program at Hamad Bin Khalifa University.
    • Interested in studying the "Taif Agreement" and the obstacles that prevented real reconciliation and actual and sustainable peace between the Lebanese sects.
    • Participated in “Forced migration in the Arab countries: problems and issues” conference held by The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies in November 30 & December 1, 2019 “Challenges of the return of Syrian refugees in Lebanon and prospects for integration”
    • Participated in International Conference Governance of public policies during and after conflicts in the Middle East Regional held by Doha Institute For Graduate Studies in April 4th - 6th, 2021 “Geopolitical Conflict and the Fragile State - The Penetrated State of Lebanese Sovereignty”.
  • Research Assistant
    ednah kang'ee
    ednah kang'ee
    Image: ednah kang'ee

    Mrs Ednah Kangee

    • Researcher, Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS)
    • Research Associate. Academic Alliance for Reconciliation in the Middle East and North Africa project (AARMENA).
    • Research Topic: “The Role of Political Parties in Electoral Violence in Africa. Is there an Opportunity for Reconciliation? A Case Study of Kenya and Ghana. "



    • 2021 - Ph.D Candidate in Political Science - Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
    • 2015 - 2016 Fellow - Institute for Global Engagement - Center for Women Faith and Leadership - Washington DC - USA.
    • 2013 - Masters in Armed Conflict and Peace Studies -University of Nairobi
      Research Title: “Land Conflicts in Taita Taveta County 1963-2010”.
    • 2008 - Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Public Administration - University of Nairobi.

    Research Interest

    • Conflict transformation, reconciliation and peace building
    • Democratization process in Africa
    • Development cooperation
    • governance
    • Restorative and Transitional Justice
    • Religion and Global Development
    • Women, Peace, and Security
  • Distinguished Ph.D. candidate:
    rawan tahboub
    rawan tahboub
    Graphic: rawan tahboub

    Distinguished Ph.D. candidate:

    Ms. Rawan Tahboub, Ph.D. candidate 

    Research Interest: Virtual Exchange as a Mechanism for Digital Education in Reconciliation Process -Transdisciplinary Research

    • Leading the Arabic Erasmus + virtual exchange courses (development and managing)
    • Assisting in the implementation of other Erasmus + Virtual Exchange courses
    • Experienced facilitator and coaching in academic research
    • Managing partners and initiating new partnerships among HEI's and non HEI's in the MENA region