Habilitation Research

The habilitation is the classic route to professorship in German-speaking countries. With it the qualification phase for science ends: Those who successfully master it have finally proven that they have mastered their subject thematically, methodically and pedagogically, and receive the teaching qualification (Facultas Docendi).
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The Habiliation Research:

The habilitation is the classic route to a professorship in German-speaking countries. The qualification phase for science ends: Those who successfully master it have finally proven that they have mastered their subject thematically, methodically, and pedagogically and receive the teaching qualification (Facultas docendi).

The Habilitation Research: 

Applied Ethics in Digital Humanities for Elicitive Conflict Transformation and Transitional Shift within Reconciliation Process Towards Peace, in the Middle East and North Africa. 

  1. (Transdisciplinary Research Approach " Applied Phronesis for Reconciliation process" ). Done by Dr. phil. Iyad AlDajani.)

Research Introduction: 

The research would introduce the integration of the reconciliation theory of the Hölderlin perspective for the Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies (JCRS) Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner at Friedrich Schiller University within the Elicitive conflict transformation and transitional shifts towards Many Peaces for Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dietrich at the UNESCO Chair for Peace Innsbruck University. The theories would then be applied in the master's program built in the AARMENA Program for the Higher Education Institutions in the Middle East and North Africa. The data derived from this research would be developed in rigged data to use machine learning and artificial intelligence applications to develop stability and validity for the AARMENA program. 

The theoretical framework for the research of the habilitation is to develop an integration by identifying both approaches and integrating both theories stated above, to develop a new phenomenology in which it becomes a comprehensive theoretical framework for the  conflict transformation and transitional shifts toward the reconciliation process in the middle of conflicts influencing the higher education institutions and applying Artificial Intelligence and machine learning for stability and validity of the program.