AARMENA Scientific Board

AARMENA Scientific Board consists of professors in the field of reconciliation, conflict transformation, and peace studies, they we work very close.
Image: AARMENA-2018
  • Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner
    Directors_Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner
    Directors_Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner
    Image: Directors_Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner

    Holds the Chair in Systematic Theology / Ethics at the Faculty of Theology at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. He is also the founder and director of the Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies

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  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Bertram Schmitz
    Prof. Dr. Dr. Bertram Schmitz
    Prof. Dr. Dr. Bertram Schmitz
    Image: Prof. Dr. Dr. Bertram Schmitz

    Currely hold the Chair of Religious Studies 

    Current research areas

    • The interreligious relationship between Judaism and Christianity as reflected in the Koran as a means of historically contextual interpretation of the Koran
    • Art as a representation of the understanding of reality in religions. 
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  • Prof.Dr. Mohammed Abu-Nimr
    Prof. lMohammed Abunimer
    Prof. lMohammed Abunimer
    Image: Prof. lMohammed Abunimer

    Director, Peacebuilding and Development Institute - Washington DC. USA.

    PhD, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University; MA, Hebrew University in Jerusalem; BA, Hebrew University in Jerusalem

    Mohammed Abu-Nimer, of the International Peace and Conflict Resolution program, is a full professor who has conducted interreligious conflict resolution training and interfaith dialogue workshops in conflict areas around the world, such as in, Egypt, Northern Ireland, the Philippines (Mindanao), Israel, Palestine, Chad, Nigeria, and Sri Lanka. As a professor with over 35 years of teaching experience, he has developed numerous courses that deal with different facets of peacebuilding and conflict resolution and regularly publish on the subject. 


  • Prof.Dr. Christoph Vatter
    Prof.Dr. Christoph Vatter
    Prof.Dr. Christoph Vatter
    Image: Prof.Dr. Christoph Vatter

    Since October 1st, 2021, Prof. Vatter has held the professorship "Intercultural business communication with a focus on cultural theory and communication research". Before his appointment to Jena, he took on deputy professorships at the University of Halle and the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Munich and worked as a junior professor for intercultural communication at Saarland University. His research areas include cultural diversity, intercultural communication and intercultural learning with a focus on cultural and media studies. We look forward to working with you!

  • Prof.Dr. Sander Münster
    Image: Prof.Dr._Muenster

    Junior Professor for Digital Humanities (images/objects) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

    He received his PhD in educational technology from the TU Dresden, where he studied history, education and business and recently submitted his habilitation thesis in media computing at Uni Regensburg. Until 2019 he headed the Department for Media Design at the Media Center at the TU Dresden and the junior research group UrbanHistory4D. His main research topics are in the visual digital humanities about interdisciplinary teamwork, 4D information systems, information behavior, methodologies and scientific communities.



  • Prof.Dr. Ciarán Burke
    10. AARMENA Prof.Dr. Burke
    10. AARMENA Prof.Dr. Burke
    Image: 10. AARMENA Prof.Dr. Burke

    Professor Ciarán Burke is an academic, a lawyer, and a Eurocrat. Ciarán is Senior Research Fellow at the Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany. He also works at the Internal Market Affairs Directorate of the EFTA Surveillance Authority in Brussels. He is the former Director of Research at the Law Reform Commission of Ireland, and has worked for a variety of governments, international organizations and NGOs.

  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wermke
    Michael Wermke, Univ.-Prof. Dr.
    Michael Wermke, Univ.-Prof. Dr.
    Image: Michael Wermke, Univ.-Prof. Dr.

    Chair of Religious Education / Director of the Center for Religious Education Research.

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  • Prof. em. DDr. Wolfgang Dietrich Wolfgang Dietrich
    Image: wolfgang-dietrich

    Professor Emeritus GDR. Wolfgang Dietrich

    UNESCO Chairholder for Peace Studies / University of Innsbruck

    www.uibk.ac.at/peacestudies/dietrichExternal link

    Private: Eavelerweg 2, A-6424 Silz/Tyrol/Austria


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  • Sarah Jäger, junior prof. Dr.

    Research Interest 

    • Feminist Theology and Theological Gender Studies
    • Ethical challenges and basic questions at the place of diakonia
    • ethics of peace
    • Contemporary relevance of religion
    • Ecclesiological Challenges of the Present
    • Protestantism in the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1989


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  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Koerrenz

    Research Interest

    • Current projects: 
      Management and further development of the "Global Education" college
    • Management and coordination of the Jena section of the World Education Fellowship with a focus on research and development
    • "Existentialism and Education - An Introduction to Otto Friedrich Bollnow" - Publication project at Palgrave with Prof. Dr. Norman Friesen
    • "History of Pedagogy" - publication project for the series UTB-Basics together with Dr. Karsten Kenklies, Dr. Hanna Kauhaus and Dr. Matthew Schwarzkopf
    • "Alternative Schooling and New Education - European Concepts and Theories" - Publication project at Palgrave together with Dr. Annika Blichmann and Sebastian Engelmann
    • "Culture of Education" - publication project for the series "Culture and Education" as the development of the thesis of the "Hebrew paradigm of education" previously formulated in individual studies
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  • Apl. Prof. Dr. Olaf Leiße

    Research Interest

    • ince 2013 Associate  Professor, European Studies
    • 2007-2013  Stand-in professor, University of Jena, Institute of Political Science, Chair for European Studies
    • since 2006 Privatdozent, University of Erfurt, Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, International Relations
    • 2006-2007 Assistant Professor, University of Jena, OPSIS (Optimization of professional support for international students) project
    • 1999-2006 Assistant Professor, University of Erfurt, Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, International Relations
    • 1999 Assistant Professor, University of Jena, Department of Psychology, Evaluation and Quality Management
    • 1997-1999 Lecturer at the universities of Jena and Erfurt, Political Science and Sociology, Lecturer at the University of Public Administration, Gotha, Sociology and Psychology


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  • Prof. Dr. Miriam Rose

    Research Interest

    Research priorities

    • Schleiermacher
    • romance
    • religion and politics
    • individuality
    • Theological anthropology
    • Cultural ambiguity
    • Justice
    • Ecumenism
    • Non denomination

    Research cooperation

    • Member of the DFG graduate school "Model Romanticism" (beginning of October 2015)
    • Working group "Romanticism and Politics"
    • CPCE study process "Theology and Dispora"

    Current book projects

    • Individuality and infinity. A systematic historical study
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  • Prof. Dr. Benno Wehrlen

    Research Interest 

    • Prof. Dr. Benno Werlen, Institute for Geography at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, was officially admitted to the Academia Europaea (AE) on the occasion of the annual conference on October 23 in Barcelona.
    • Professor Werlen was a professor of social geography at the Friedrich-Schiller University Jena and a long-term committee member of the European Research Council (ERC) for the area “Society and Environment” of the internationally renowned funding program “Advanced Grants” "International Year of Global Understanding". He is currently the holder of the UNESCO Chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability at the University of Jena and has been a Fellow at the Max Weber College in Erfurt since the beginning of the 2019/20 winter semester.
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  • Prof. Dr. Annette Weinke

    Research priorities

    History of the two German states after 1945; Post-history of National Socialism; international humanitarian law and human rights in the 20th century; Law and Justice in the Soviet Zone / GDR; History, law and public history after experiences of dictatorship; History of the Foreign Office after 1945; Transitional justice / transitional justice.

    Current research projects

    • Lobbyists of the law: transatlantic international law activists and human rights activists in the 20th century
      (see also an interview with the Max Weber Foundation  >External link  )
      (see also the "Human Rights in the 20th Century" working group of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation)
    • Global history of transitional justice
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